Policy Areas

Our firm has over 40+ years of experience in the healthcare space. As former staffers on the House Energy and Commerce and Senate Finance Committee, we have an intricate knowledge of healthcare policy. We have been on the front lines of a number of policy battles including implementation of the Affordable Care Act, Medicare reimbursement issues, and other public health initiatives.
Specifically, we have represented healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical distributors, patient advocacy groups and insurers before Congress and Federal agencies including the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). We offer clients strategic relationships and policy backgrounds with each congressional committee with health care jurisdiction in the Senate, including the Senate Health Education Labor and Pensions (HELP) and Senate Finance Committees. We also have strong relationships with the Republican and Democratic leadership teams in both the House and Senate.
We have represented major telecommunication and cable providers for the past few decades on every major policy debate in the telecommunications field over the past 20 years. We have developed a policy expertise which allows us to effectively communicate with policy makers and federal agencies like the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on behalf of our clients.
In addition, the firm created and manages the 21 st Century Privacy Coalition, comprised of the nation’s leading broadband data providers. This puts us in a unique position to represent our client’s interest as the Congress and regulatory agencies update the nation’s telecom laws and regulations.
We have deep knowledge and experience working with firms in the petroleum, natural gas and electric power markets. These include oil and natural gas producers, natural gas pipelines and, in the electric power sector, both merchant generators and traditional, vertically-integrated utilities. We should note that, unlike most of our competitors in the DC consulting arena, our advice and advocacy includes both regulatory and legislative decision-making fronts.
Our clients have found this capability most helpful, as energy policy is often formulated by a complex and often contentious interplay between the Congress, the agencies, the courts – and the states. All told, our partners have over fifty years experience in energy policy.